This article examines the increasing use of 'positive', active images of 'poor women in developing countries' by development institutions, in relation to several interlinked factors: critiques of earlier representations of 'Third World women' as an essentialised category of 'passive victims'; the appropriation-and transformation-within neoliberal discourses of development from the 1990s onwards of concepts of agency and empowerment; and changes in the role of development NGOs in the same period. Through a discussion of recent publicity campaigns by Oxfam Unwrapped, the Nike Foundation and Divine chocolate, the article examines the specific and gendered ways in which these more recent visual productions are racialised, exploring, in particular, parallels and continuities between colonial representations of women workers and today's images of micro-entrepreneurship within the framework of neoliberal globalisation. The article concludes that, like their colonial predecessors, contemporary representations obscure relations of oppression and exploitation, and work to render collective challenges to the neoliberal model invisible.The ideas in this article have emerged from two interrelated areas of my research: first, an ongoing exploration of questions of 'race' and racism in contemporary development and, second, an analysis of the appropriation and transformation of feminist concepts by neoliberal development discourses. The paper addresses the shift to 'positive images' of women in the global South by international NGOs, donor governments, the World Bank and other development institutions over the past two decades. I provide a preliminary (and necessarily brief) account of how 'race' and racism have historically and conceptually been inscribed in notions of development, and how these processes have been gendered. I go on to describe how, partly in response to Third World feminist critiques, the notion of women's 'agency' has become ubiquitous within approaches to gender and development (GAD), and has been incorporated in neoliberal development discourses, with