OBJECTIVE:the general objective of this study was to systematize the main memories that patients have about hospitalization in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) after discharge, through a systematic review of the literature.
METHODS:In this exploratory study, the bibliographical survey was carried out through research in the online database Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) and in the Virtual Health Library -VHL. To survey the articles, the following descriptors were used: memories and ICU; ICU and memories (in Portuguese and English).
RESULTS:Thirteen (n = 13) scientific papers were selected. According to the selected studies, the patient admitted to an ICU can present three types of memories, which include illusory memory, affective memory and/or real memory. Such memories can lead to psycho-emotional challenges for patients after discharge from the ICU, since the prevalence of psychological changes after critical care is high, including being a risk factor for Mental Disorders, such as depression, anxiety and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder -PTSD . It is important to identify early complications inherent to critical care during and after discharge from the unit. The ICU diary 2 • Brasília Med. VOLUME 62; ANO 2024: 2-16
ARTIGO REVISÃOhas been shown to be a tool in the process of meaning and re-signification of memories.
CONCLUSION:The integration of services at different levels of care and specific strategies with training professionals to provide comprehensive care, during and after discharge from the ICU and hospital, is an important strategy to be strengthened. New studies on the subject are relevant with greater methodological standardization.