We classify all strongly real conjugacy classes of the finite unitary group U(n, F q ) when q is odd. In particular, we show that g ∈ U(n, F q ) is strongly real if and only if g is an element of some embedded orthogonal group O ± (n, F q ). Equivalently, g is strongly real in U(n, F q ) if and only if g is real and every elementary divisor of g of the form (t ± 1) 2m has even multiplicity. We apply this to obtain partial results on strongly real classes in the finite symplectic group Sp(2n, F q ), q odd, and a generating function for the number of strongly real classes in U(n, F q ), q odd, and we also give partial results on strongly real classes in U(n, F q ) when q is even.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20G40, 20E45