Topologically protected swirl of the magnetic texture known as the Skyrmion has become ubiquitous in both metallic and insulating chiral magnets. Meanwhile the existence of its three-dimensional analogue, known as the magnetic monopole, has been suggested by various indirect experimental signatures in MnGe compound. Theoretically, Ginzburg-Landau arguments in favor of the formation of a three-dimensional crystal of monopoles and anti-monopoles have been put forward, however no microscopic model Hamiltonian was shown to support such a phase. Here we present strong numerical evidence from Monte Carlo simulations for the formation of a rock-salt crystal structure of monopoles and anti-monopoles in short-period chiral magnets. Real-time simulation of the spin dynamics suggests there is only one collective mode in the monopole crystal state in the frequency range of several GHz for the material parameters of MnGe.PACS numbers: 12.39. Dc, 75.10.Hk, 75.40.Mg Attempts to view building blocks of nature as topologically protected objects such as knots have been a fascinating feature of modern physical science. The knot theory of atoms advanced by Thomson (Lord Kelvin) [1] was re-incarnated by Skyrme as a topological quantum theory of hadrons in the early 60s [2]. Although the topological interpretation of quantum numbers for elementary particles may not have been universally accepted in subatomic physics, the beauty of the idea has remained well within the physics community and, quite recently, found immense physical realization in several kinds of magnetic materials ranging from B20 metallic magnetic compounds [3][4][5], atomically-thin magnetic layers [6], multiferroic insulators [7], to ferroelectrics [8]. The form of the topological matter, now called the Skyrmion lattice, bears excellent resemblance to the well-known vortex lattice in type-II superconductors [9] and shares the character of two dimensionality, extending its existence in a columnar fashion when the host material in which it is formed is three-dimensional. The topological vortex and Skyrmion lattices have both been observed successfully through the visualization technique of Lorentz microscopy [5,10].In higher dimensions one is granted the exciting opportunity to create, observe, and manipulate topological objects not permitted in lower dimensions. For example in three-dimensional Heisenberg magnets with a local unit magnetization vector n r , localized objects known as monopoles and anti-monopoles with integer topological numbers may be formed. The number characterizing the object's topology isfor an integration domain S , parameterized by (u, v), enclosing the monopole center R. Due to the high energetic cost of creating monopoles in isolation, they must be created in reality as a monopole-anti-monopole (MAM) pair, or as a crystal of such pairs forming a new kind of topological lattice unique to three dimensions. Such possibility was suggested theoretically [11] some time ago following the intriguing discovery of diffuse neutron scattering peaks i...