With the vast amount of goods being shipped around the world, there is a need to track and manage various types of assets, particularly shipping containers. Logistics industries dealing with small facilities, shipments, equipment, and vehicles must be tracked. There are many applied asset tracking systems such as Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID), Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Beacon, and Long-Range Radio (LoRa). This paper presents these systems and focuses on locating assets using LoRaWAN technology, which has a positive impact on the responsive and sustainable cities in Egypt. IoT-based Long Range (LoRa) is a low-power, wide-area communication technology that uses radio frequencies to transmit data over long distances. The extended range, low power consumption, low maintenance, and the ability to store location data when the end node that needs to connect to the asset is out of the gateway's coverage make LoRa a good choice for developing asset-tracking applications. This paper introduces a real-time tracking experiment as a result of a project implementation, whose goals are aligned with industry, innovation, and infrastructure and Sustainable Cities and Communities, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) No. 9 and 11.