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TakedownIf you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing eprints@whiterose.ac.uk including the URL of the record and the reason for the withdrawal request. T he digital waveguide mesh (DWM) is a numerical simulation technique based on the definition of a regular spatial sampling grid for a particular problem domain, which in this specific case is a vibrating object capable of supporting acoustic wave propagation resulting in sound output. It is based on a simple and intuitive premise-the latter often considered important by the computer musicians who are the primary users of a sound synthesis algorithm-yet the emergent behavior is complex, natural, and capable of high-quality sound generation. Hence, the DWM has been applied in many areas of computer music research since it was first introduced by Van Duyne and Smith in 1993 [1]. This article is the first to attempt to consolidate and summarize this work. The interested reader is also directed to [2], where DWM modeling is considered in the more general context of discrete-time physics-based modeling for sound synthesis, and [3], where the DWM is examined within a rigorous theoretical and comparative framework for more established yet related wave scattering numerical simulation techniques.
THE ONE-DIMENSIONAL DIGITAL WAVEGUIDEThe one-dimensional (1-D) digital waveguide is based on a time and space discretization of the d'Alembert solution to the 1-D wave equation. This approach to sound synthesis was first used in the Kelly-Lochbaum model of the human vocal tract for speech synthesis [4] and has parallels with other, more generally applied wave variable scattering modeling paradigms such as the transmission line matrix (TLM) method [5]