With a large-scale integration of distributed energy resources (DERs), distribution systems are expected to be capable of providing capacity support for the transmission grid. To effectively harness the collective flexibility from massive DER devices, this paper studies distribution-level power aggregation strategies for transmission-distribution interaction. In particular, this paper proposes a method to model and quantify the aggregate power flexibility, i.e., the net power injection achievable at the substation, in unbalanced distribution systems over time. Incorporating the network constraints and multi-phase unbalanced modeling, the proposed method obtains an effective approximate feasible region of the net power injection. For any aggregate power trajectory within this region, it is proved that there exists a feasible disaggregation solution. In addition, a distributed model predictive control (MPC) framework is developed for practical implementation of the transmission-distribution interaction. At last, we demonstrate the performances of the proposed method via numerical tests on a real-world distribution feeder with 126 multi-phase nodes.Index Terms-Power aggregation, distributed energy resources, unbalanced optimal power flow, power flexibility, distributed optimization.
NOMENCLATUREA. Parameters N Number of buses (except the substation). N Y , N ∆ Number of buses with wye-, delta-connection. L Number of distribution lines. v, v Upper, lower limits of the three-phase nodal voltage magnitudes for all buses. i L , i L Upper, lower limits of the three-phase line current magnitudes for all distribution lines. P g,ψ i,t , P g,ψ i,t Upper, lower limits of active PV power generation in phase ψ of bus i at time t. S g,ψ i,t Apparent power capacity of PV units in phase ψ of bus i at time t. P e,ψ i,t , P e,ψ i,t Upper, lower limits of active power output of ES devices in phase ψ of bus i at time t. S e,ψ i,t Apparent power capacity of ES devices in phase ψ of bus i at time t. E i , E i Upper, lower limits for state of charge of ES devices at bus i. X. Chen and N. Li are with the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, USA. d,ψ i,t , P d,ψ i,t Upper, lower limits for controllable active loads in phase ψ of bus i at time t. F out i,t Outside temperature for HVAC systems at bus i at time t. F i , F i Upper, lower limits of comfortable temperature zone for HVAC systems at bus i. ∆t Length of each time slot under discretized time horizon. B. Variables p Y , q Y ∈ R 3N Y Column vector of the three-phase active, reactive power injection via wye-connection. p ∆ , q ∆ ∈ R 3N∆ Column vector of the three-phase active, reactive power injection via delta-connection. v ∈ R 3N Column vector collecting the three-phase nodal voltage magnitudes for all buses. i L ∈ R 3L Column vector collecting the three-phase line current magnitudes for all distribution lines. p 0 ∈ R 3 Column vector of the three-phase net active power injection at the substation. P g,ψ i,t , Q g,ψ i,t Active, reactive PV power generation ...