Goal: Real-time abnormality detection in gait analysis is an open
challenge. The existing state-of-the-art is limited by the fact that it
does not take into account ’in-step’ anomaly detection. Timely detection
of gait abnormalities during the mid-swing phase of the step (i.e.,
within 50ms detection time) is required to make informed gait
correction. To meet this requirement and overcome state of the art
limitations, we present real-time anomaly detection algorithms, a new
dataset, and a framework to estimate performance of anomaly detection
algorithms. Methods: We propose real-time in-step anomaly detection
algorithms namely, i) real-time tslearn support vector machines anomaly
detection (RTtsSVM-AD), ii) real-time one class support vector machines
anomaly detection (RTOCSVMAD), and iii) signal shape tracking anomaly
detection (SSTAD). For comparative assessment, twenty-two healthy
volunteers realistically simulated eight different characteristic
deviations in human gait of certain lower extremity disabilities. Motion
patterns were recorded using an inertial motion unit (IMU) placed on the
forefoot. F1 score, recall, precision, real-time factor (RTF), as well
as ”earliness” measures are estimated and analyzed. The ”earliness”
is a new metric which defines the time between the beginning of a step
and the moment in time when the step is classified as abnormal. Results:
The achieved results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms can detect
gait abnormalities in real-time during the mid-swing phase of an ongoing
step. The average accuracy and F1 score achieved by the three algorithms
are: 91% and 81% for SST-AD; 74% and 54.9% for RTOCSVM-AD; and
64.5% and 49.2% for RTtsSVMAD, respectively. The best average
earliness is achieved by the SST-AD algorithm at 0.4 second from the
initial-swing phase start. Conclusion: Based on the results, SST-AD is
the best suited algorithm for real-time gait anomaly detection and
should be considered to be used in future embedded assistive devices.