About this SeriesThe Emergence, Complexity and Computation (ECC) series publishes new developments, advancements and selected topics in the fields of complexity, computation and emergence. The series focuses on all aspects of reality-based computation approaches from an interdisciplinary point of view especially from applied sciences, biology, physics, or Chemistry. It presents new ideas and interdisciplinary insight on the mutual intersection of subareas of computation, complexity and emergence and its impact and limits to any computing based on physical limits (thermodynamic and quantum limits, Bremermann's limit, Seth Lloyd limits...) as well as algorithmic limits (Gödel's proof and its impact on calculation, algorithmic complexity, the Chaitin's Omega number and Kolmogorov complexity, non-traditional calculations like Turing machine process and its consequences,...) and limitations arising in artificial intelligence field. The topics are (but not limited to) membrane computing, DNA computing, immune computing, quantum computing, swarm computing, analogic computing, chaos computing and computing on the edge of chaos, computational aspects of dynamics of complex systems (systems with self-organization, multiagent systems, cellular automata, artificial life,...), emergence of complex systems and its computational aspects, and agent based computation. The main aim of this series it to discuss the above mentioned topics from an interdisciplinary point of view and present new ideas coming from mutual intersection of classical as well as modern methods of computation. Within the scope of the series are monographs, lecture notes, selected contributions from specialized conferences and workshops, special contribution from international experts.More information about this series at