structures. For example, intrinsically disordered proteins, which account for one-third of the proteins in the human proteome, do not adopt a standardized 3D structure, and their spontaneous interconversion between unfolded states is crucial in dynamic biological processes. [4] In addition, various synthetic polymers, which are highly regulated by complex molecular interactions and the resulting conformational changes, form a variety of highorder structures via the self-structuring of individual molecules. [5][6][7][8] Thus, it is important to understand the intrinsic structural diversity and dynamic behaviors of individual macromolecules at the single-chain level.Over the last few decades, the conformation and dynamics of a single chain have been widely studied both theoretically and experimentally. Theoretical and computational modeling of single-chain dynamics in ideal solutions are well established in the field of polymer physics. [9][10][11][12] Moreover, enhanced sampling simulation techniques can efficiently locate candidates for energetically stable structures and calculate the free energy differences between their distinct states. [13][14][15] Nonetheless, it is still challenging to understand realistic single-chain behaviors using computational methods, as it is not trivial to simulate ion-solute interactions, crowding, or confinement in polymer solutions. [16][17][18] Furthermore, it is not rare to find a Conformational changes in macromolecules significantly affect their functions and assembly into high-level structures. Despite advances in theoretical and experimental studies, investigations into the intrinsic conformational variations and dynamic motions of single macromolecules remain challenging. Here, liquid-phase transmission electron microscopy enables the real-time tracking of single-chain polymers. Imaging linear polymers, synthetically dendronized with conjugated aromatic groups, in organic solvent confined within graphene liquid cells, directly exhibits chain-resolved conformational dynamics of individual semiflexible polymers. These experimental and theoretical analyses reveal that the dynamic conformational transitions of the single-chain polymer originate from the degree of intrachain interactions. In situ observations also show that such dynamics of the single-chain polymer are significantly affected by environmental factors, including surfaces and interfaces.