To effectively diagnose, monitor and treat respiratory disease clinicians should be able to accurately assess the spatial distribution of airflow across the fine structure of lung. This capability would enable any decline or improvement in health to be located and measured, allowing improved treatment options to be designed. Current lung function assessment methods have many limitations, including the inability to accurately localise the origin of global changes within the lung. However, X-ray velocimetry (XV) has recently been demonstrated to be a sophisticated and non-invasive lung function measurement tool that is able to display the full dynamics of airflow throughout the lung over the natural breathing cycle. In this study we present two developments in XV analysis. Firstly, we show the ability of laboratory-based XV to detect the patchy nature of cystic fibrosis (CF)-like disease in β-ENaC mice. Secondly, we present a technique for numerical quantification of CF-like disease in mice that can delineate between two major modes of disease symptoms. We propose this analytical model as a simple, easy-to-interpret approach, and one capable of being readily applied to large quantities of data generated in XV imaging. Together these advances show the power of XV for assessing local airflow changes. We propose that XV should be considered as a novel lung function measurement tool for lung therapeutics development in small animal models, for CF and for other muco-obstructive diseases. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a progressive, chronic and debilitating genetic disease caused by mutations in the CF Transmembrane-conductance Regulator (CFTR) gene. Unrelenting CF airway disease begins early in infancy and produces a steady deterioration in quality of life, ultimately leading to premature death. Effective lung health assessment tools must capture the patchy nature of muco-obstructive lung diseases such as cystic fibrosis, and this is particularly important during the early stages of the disease when local treatments could be applied to prevent disease progression. Assessments of overall lung health in humans and animals are typically made using lung function tests that screen for abnormalities by measuring the flow of gas in the airways. Spirometry is the most common tool for assessing lung function, however it measures global airflow at the mouth. This means that parameters such as FEV 1 are a single, global measure of the health of the entire lung, are effort-dependent, and provide no information about the location of muco-obstructive disease. Multiple breath wash-in or wash-out techniques that measure the lung-clearance index (LCI) are sensitive to some changes in CF disease as they reflect the health of both the small and large airways 1, 2 , but can only provide limited regional airflow information. LCI is rarely reported in laboratory animal studies. The forced oscillation technique (FOT) measures the resistive properties of the respiratory system and has been used in obstructive lung disease assessment, although the re...