There have been numerous efforts in the metrology, manufacturing, and nondestructive evaluation communities to investigate various methods for effective in situ monitoring of additive manufacturing processes. Researchers have investigated the use of a variety of techniques and sensors and found that each has its own unique capabilities as well as limitations. Among all measurement techniques, acoustic-based in situ measurements of additive manufacturing processes provide remarkable data and advantages for process and part quality assessment. Acoustic signals contain crucial information about the manufacturing processes and fabricated components with a sufficient sampling rate. Like any other measurement technique, acoustic-based methods have specific challenges regarding applications and data interpretation. The enormous size and complexity of the data structure are significant challenges when dealing with acoustic data for in situ process monitoring. To address this issue, researchers have explored and investigated various data and signal processing techniques empowered by artificial intelligence and machine learning methods to extract practical information from acoustic signals. This paper aims to survey recent and innovative machine learning techniques and approaches for acoustic data processing in additive manufacturing in situ monitoring.