“…For the SSA and robust SSA algorithms, there are two choices to be made by the researcher: (i) the window length L ; and (ii) the number of eigentriples used for reconstruction r . Three values of L were chosen for each time series, as defined in Table 2 — , , and —being the obtained from the periodogram, based on the largest cycle for each time series [ 37 ] (i.e., about one trimester for ADAM Strategy, one semester for Alaska Black, one year for APEX Long Biased, one quadrimeter for Brasil Capital, one quadrimeter for Gavea Macro, and one quadrimester for SPX Nimitz), and N being the time series length. The choice of the number of eigentriples used for reconstruction r , for each of the considered window lengths and each of the time series, was done by taking into consideration the the w-correlations among components [ 5 ].…”