Femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy has been used to investigate the electron-electron scattering dynamics in sulfate-covered gold nanoparticles of 2.5 and 9.2 nm in diameter. We observe an unexpected retardation of the absolute internal thermalization time compared to bulk gold, which is attributed to a negative feedback by the vibrationally excited sulfate molecules. These hot adsorbates, acting as a transient energy reservoir, result from the back and forth inelastic scattering of metal nonequilibrium electrons into the π* orbital of the sulfate. The vibrationally excited adsorbates temporarily govern the dynamical behavior of nonequilibrium electrons in the metal by re-emitting hot electrons. In other terms, metal electrons reabsorb the energy deposited in the hot sulfates by a mechanism involving the charge resonance between the sulfate molecules and the gold NPs. The higher surface-to-volume ratio of sulfate-covered gold nanoparticles of 2.5 nm leads to a stronger inhibition of the internal thermalization. Interestingly, we also note an analogy between the mechanism described here for the slow-down of electron-electron scattering in metal nanoparticles by the hot adsorbates and the hot phonon-induced retardation of hot charge carriers cooling in semiconductors.Hybrid nanostructured materials can be seen as complex systems, which lie at the border of solid-state physics and supramolecular chemistry. Metal nanoparticles (NPs) protected with functional molecules can give a unique opportunity to investigate the coupling between electron transport dynamics and molecular structural changes beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.As the size decreases to the nanoscale range (shorter than the electron mean free path), the electronic properties of the metal can fall under the influence of surface molecular species. For example, evidence appeared that adsorbates can modify the electronic properties of small metal nanoparticles 1-4 (below 20 nm) by decreasing the surface plasmon lifetimes. This additional damping channel, which leads to a homogeneous broadening of the surface plasmon band, is called chemical interface damping, i.e., metal electrons tunnel back and forth into empty electronic states of adsorbates. [5][6][7] The electronic structure of the gold/sulfate interface consists of a σ donation and a σ* and π* back-donation mechanism: The occupied σ orbitals of the sulfate give charge to the metal, while the unoccupied σ* and π* orbitals accept charge from the metal. 8 A key characteristic of the present system is the coupling between gold electrons and sulfate vibrations via the partial occupation of the sulfate π* orbital by the gold electrons. This charge resonance leads to a strong chemical interface damping of the surface plasmon as revealed by the nonclassical broadening of the surface plasmon band. 9 Thus, under equilibrium conditions, sulfate molecules affect the electronic properties of the gold nanoparticles by opening an additional damping channel for the surface plasmon. The next step w...