We consider a pursuit-evasion problem between humanoids. In our scenario, the pursuer enters the safety area of the evader headed for collision, while the latter executes a fast evasive motion. Control schemes are designed for both the pursuer and the evader. They are structurally identical, although the objectives are different: the pursuer tries to align its direction of motion with the line-of-sight to the evader, whereas the evader tries to move in a direction orthogonal to the line-of-sight to the pursuer. At the core of the control scheme is a maneuver planning module which makes use of closedform expressions exclusively. This allows its use in a replanning framework, where each robot updates its motion plan upon completion of a step to account for the perceived motion of the other. Simulation and experimental results on NAO humanoids reveal an interesting asymptotic behavior which was predicted using unicycle as template models for trajectory generation.