Abstract-Transmitting a real time video streaming over a wireless network cannot guarantee that all the frames could be received by the mobile devices. The characteristics of a wireless network in terms of the available bandwidth, frame delay, and frame losses cannot be known in advanced. In this work, we propose a new mechanism for streaming video over a wireless channel. The proposed mechanism prevents freezing frames in the mobile devices. This is done by splitting the video frame in two sub-frames and combines them with another sub-frame from different sequence position in the streaming video. In case of lost or dropped frame, there is still a possibility that another half (sub-frame) will be received by the mobile device. The receiving sub-frames will be reconstructed to its original shape. A rate adaptation mechanism will be also highlight in this work. We show that sever can skip up to 50% of the sub-frames and we can still be able to reconstruct the receiving sub-frame and eliminate the freezing picture in the mobile device.