The realization of digital control circuitry based PWM strategies provides many advantages. It includes better prototyping, higher switching frequency, simple hardware, and flexibility by overcoming the limitations of analog control strategies. In this article, The Digital space vector-based Pulse width Modulation ((DSV-PWM) is designed. The DSV-PWM Module includes, mainly, Xdq reference frame, Sector generation, Square root, switching time generation, Carry-save adder (CSA), and PWM Generation module. These modules are designed using simple logical operations, and combinational circuits to improve the DSV-PWM performance. The DSV-PWM Module is synthesized and implemented on a cost-effective Artix-7 FPGA device. The present work utilizes a < 1% chip area, operates at 597.83 MHz of maximum frequency, and utilizes 110mW of total power on FPGA Device. The DSV-PWM module is also compared with the existing SV-PWM approach with better improvement in hardware constraints like chip area, operating frequency, and dynamic power (mW).