In this article, load frequency control has been studied in an unequal threearea system under a deregulated environment. The area 1 comprises thermal and biodiesel units, area 2 has thermal and solar thermal power plant (STPP), and area 3 has thermal with biogas, wind turbine system (WTS) along with pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) units. A new secondary controller called three degree-of-freedom tilt-integral-derivative with filter (3DOF-TIDN) controller has been proposed, and its performance is compared with integral, tilt-integral-derivative with filter, and two degree-of-freedom-TIDN controllers.The investigation reveals 3DOF-TIDN controller provides better dynamic performance in terms of settling time, peak deviation, and magnitude of oscillations in both generating and motoring mode of PHES. The stability analysis has been performed for the proposed system using different secondary controller. The controller parameters are optimized using novel optimization technique called Mine Blasting Algorithm. In this study, real-time OPAL-RT digital simulator has been used to effectually execute the considered power system under various scenarios, and the obtained results are compared with MATLAB/Simulink results. Further, a comparative study of dynamic responses of the system has been carried out considering different mechanical energy storage devices like PHES, flywheel energy storage device, and compressed air energy storage, and the analysis shows that PHES gives superior performances than others. Robustness analysis of proposed controller gains is also conducted, considering different storage, load frequency control, pumped hydro energy storage, renewable energy sources, three degree-of-freedom controller List of Symbols and Abbreviations: c, d, Area number (1, 2, 3 and c ≠ d); T cd , synchronizing co-efficient (S); a cd = À(P c /P d ), participation factor between c and d area; D c , ΔP c /Δf c (pu MW/Hz); Β c = (D c + 1/R c ), cth frequency bias; R c , regulation constant in area c (Hz/pu MW); K p , 1/D c (Hz/pu MW); T sg , T t , steam governor and turbine time constant (s); T r , time constant of steam turbine reheat (s); K r , reheat gain of steam turbine; T stg , T st , T sf , time constant of STPP governor, turbine, and solar field; K sf , Solar field gain of STPP; X le , Y la , b A , T bg , K b , and T d , lead and lag time of BGPP governor, biogas delay, turbine gain, combustion reaction delay time (s) of BGPP; K bv , T bv , K be , T be , gain and time constant of intel valve and engine of BDPP; H c , inertia constant of cth area (S); Δf c , frequency deviation in cth area; ΔP tie-cd , tie power deviation between cth and dth area (pu MW).