The audio spectrogram is a time-frequency representation that has been widely used for audio classification. One of the key attributes of the audio spectrogram is the temporal resolution, which depends on the hop size used in the Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT). Previous works generally assume the hop size should be a constant value (e.g., 10 ms). However, a fixed temporal resolution is not always optimal for different types of sound. The temporal resolution affects not only classification accuracy but also computational cost. This paper proposes a novel method, DiffRes, that enables differentiable temporal resolution modeling for audio classification. Given a spectrogram calculated with a fixed hop size, DiffRes merges non-essential time frames while preserving important frames. DiffRes acts as a "drop-in" module between an audio spectrogram and a classifier and can be jointly optimized with the classification task. We evaluate DiffRes on five audio classification tasks, using mel-spectrograms as the acoustic features, followed by off-the-shelf classifier backbones. Compared with previous methods using the fixed temporal resolution, the DiffRes-based method can achieve the equivalent or better classification accuracy with at least 25% computational cost reduction. We further show that DiffRes can improve classification accuracy by increasing the temporal resolution of input acoustic features, without adding to the computational cost.