“…[5][6][7][8] To day, although directe vidence is scarce, it is widely accepted that the photoisomerization occurs at the C15ÀC16b ond of the methine bridge between pyrrole rings C and D, thus corresponding to ar otation of ring Da roundt his bond. [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] Such am echanism is supported by X-ray crystallographic data [9-13, 15, 16, 19, 21] ands tudies using av ariety of spectroscopic techniques such as circulard ichroism, [14] resonance Raman (RR), [17] femtosecondv isible-pumpi nfrared probe, [18] magic angle spinning NMR, [20] and femtosecond-to-microsec-ond transient absorption [22] spectroscopy.F or example, crystal structures of Pr forms of bacterial, [9-11, 16, 21] cyanobacterial, [12,15] and plant [19] phytochromess how that while rings AÀCa re tightlyp acked by the surrounding protein, ring Dr esides in ac avity that seems to more easily accommodate ar otation aroundt he C15ÀC16b ond. Furthermore,i nc ontrastt os olution-phase NMR data on Synechococcus OS-B' (a cyanobacterium) phytochrome that, af ew years ago, were taken as support for an alternative mechanismi nw hich the photoisomerization rather involves ar otation of ring A, [23] recently reported magic angle spinning NMR data on the same phytochrome are indeed consistent with the view that the photoisomerization takes place at the C15ÀC16 bond.…”