The author summarizes development of uncooled microbolometer terahertz (THz) focal plane arrays (FPAs) and real-time cameras for sub-THz and THz wave detection. The array formats are 320x240 and 640x480, and the cameras have several functions, such as lock-in imaging, external-trigger imaging, image processing (pixel binning and frame integration), beam profiling and so on. The FPAs themselves are sensitive to sub-THz, THz and infrared radiations.Active imaging systems based on the imagers are described. One of them is a real-time transmission-type THz microscope which contains a THz camera and a quantum cascade laser (QCL). The other one is an active sub-THz imaging system, where a transmission imaging mode and a reflection imaging mode can be switched with one-touch operation. Strong THz emitters, such as far-infrared gas lasers and QCLs, are strongly coherent and often produce interference fringes in an image. A method of reducing the interference fringes (beam homogenizing) is described.Microbolometer FPAs developed by other groups, antenna-coupled CMOS FPA, array detectors based on GaAs high-mobility heterostructure and so on are also summarized, which operate in real-time and at room temperature. A fair method of evaluating performance of detectors with different sizes and at different wavelengths is explained and the performances of the detectors are compared.