M cD o u g all S chool of Petro leum Engineering, U niversity of Tulsa, 2 4 5 0 E. M arsh all Street, T u lsa, OK 7 4 1 1 0 e-m ail: v ah id -d o kh an i@ u tu lsa.ed u M engjiao Yu M cD o u g all School of Petro leum Eng ineering, U niversity of T u lsa, 2 4 5 0 E. M arsh all Street, Tu lsa, OK 7 4 1 1 0 e -m a il: m en g jiao -yu @ u tu lsa.ed u Stefan Z. M iska M cD o u g all School of Petro leum E ng ineering, U niversity of Tu lsa, 2 4 5 0 E. M arsh all Street, Tu lsa, OK 7 4 1 1 0 e-m ail: stefan-m iska@ utu lsa.edu Jam es Bloys C hevron C orporation , 1 4 0 0 S m ith Street, H ouston, T X 7 7 0 0 2 e-m ail: ben .b lo ys@ ch evro n .co m This study investigates shale-fluid interactions through experimental approaches under simulated in situ conditions to determine the effects o f bedding plane orientation on fluid flow through shale. Current wellbore stability models are developed based on isotropic conditions, where fluid transport coefficients are only considered in the radial direction. This paper also presents a novel mathematical method, which takes into account the three-dimensional coupled flow o f water and solutes due to hydraulic, chemical, and elec trical potential imposed by the drilling fluid and/or the shale formation. Numerical results indicate that the presence o f microfissures can change the pore pressure distribu tion significantly around the wellbore and thus directly affect the mechanical strength o f the shale.
Journal of Energy Resources TechnologyCopyright © 2015 by ASME
M athem atical M odelingCurrent models are not sufficient to describe fluid transport through naturally fractured shale formations. At a macroscopic