Human security,defined as "freedom from want and fear and freedom to live in dignity", provides an overarching concept to address threats to human security dimensions such as health, food, economics,t he environment and sustainable development, while placing the individual at the centre of attention. Chemistry is central to addressing these challenges, but surprisingly its role and contributions to human security have hitherto not been explicitly set out. This article situates chemistry in the human security framework, highlighting areas where chemistry knowledge,methods and products are vital. It underscores three complementary facets:1)chemistry contributes to many dimensions of human security,b ut needs to do muchm ore in the light of oncoming global challenges;2 )the human security framing illuminates areas where chemistry itself needs to adapt to contribute better,b yi ntensification of current approaches and/or by building or strengthening chemistry tools,s kills and competencies;a nd 3) repositioning as central to human security affords chemistry ap owerful opportunity to refresh itself as as cience for the benefit of society-and it will need to engage more directly and dynamically at the interface of science,s ociety and policy in order to do so.Noshiftinthewaywethinkoractismorecriticalthanthatof putting people at the centre of everything we do.T hat is the essence of human security.