Barrel shifter architecture is well known for bit manipulation in a single clock cycle. Due to its various operations and advantages, it is most likely used in the Arithmetic logic unit of every processor. Gray code is also known as reflective code which is widely used in digital communication for the purpose of error correction and error detection. In this project, an 8 x 4 barrel shifter is designed which is further connected to 4-bit binary to gray code converter. The barrel shifter is cascaded with binary to gray code converter so that this combination can be useful for the application of encryption of binary data in digital communications. It is designed in cadence virtuoso tool using FinFET technology at 18 nm node. The simulation results proves that the power consumed by the proposed design with FinFET technology is 11.92% less when compared with the conventional design with MOS transistors. Hence, this design can be used in application of low power digital communications. The functionality testing and verification is done using cadence virtuoso tool.