Stimulation treatments in Saudi Arabian gas reservoirs were initiated in 1998. Since then, stimulation gradually became the preferred technology to improve gas production and sustainability. Different technologies have been applied over the years, and only the best of them survived the test of time. Advances in completion technologies enabled drilling horizontal wells and completing them with multistage stimulation completions in either openhole (OH) or cased hole wellbores. The new generation of stimulation software allowed comprehensive modeling of hydraulic fracturing in a 3D reservoir simulation software platform. Advances in logging technologies allowed better estimation of rock mechanical properties, a major input for the fracturing design software. Channel fracturing technology mitigated the risk of screenout in proppant fracturing and enabled placing fractures with nearly infinite conductivity that helped in faster cleanup of the well and improved production. The new dualcrosslinked fracturing fluid provided a reliable solution for high-pressure/ high-temperature (HPHT) reservoirs that can sustain very high shear degradation. Viscoelastic surfactant (VES) based fracturing fluid limited fracture height growth, thereby allowing hydraulic fracturing in pay zones with nearby water zones. Emulsified acid allowed live acid to penetrate deeper into the reservoir. Fiber laden viscoelastic self-diverting acid proved to be an efficient diverting technique for matrix acidizing and acid fracturing. This paper provides an overview of the different technologies that make stimulation treatments highly successful.