“…Additional materials and several monograph-length treatments of particular topics have also appeared for these TAP languages as well as others. Most significant are: for Abui, an introductory dictionary (Kratochvíl and Delpada 2008a) and texts (Kratochvíl and Delpada 2008b); for Bunaq, a short dictionary (Bele 2009); for Fataluku, a monolingual dictionary (Valentim 2002), a sketch (Hull 2005a), primer materials and texts (Valentim 2001a(Valentim , 2001b(Valentim , 2004a(Valentim , 2004b; for Kamang, an introductory dictionary (Schapper and Manimau 2011); for Makalero, a short dictionary (Pinto 2004) and a primer (Pinto 2007); for Makasae, Masters theses on space (Brotherson 2003) genres (Carr 2004) and phonology (Fogaça 2011), a sketch (Hull 2005b), and two short dictionaries (Ximenes andMenezes 2002, Hull andCorreira 2006); for Oirata, a sketch with Josselin de Jong's (1937) text glossed (Faust 2005), and a historical phonological treatment (Mandala 2010); for Teiwa, an extended word list (Klamer and Sir 2011); for Western Pantar, an introductory dictionary (Holton and Lamma Koly 2008).…”