Let k be a number field and O k its ring of integers. Let C be a finite group. Let M be a maximal O k-order in the semi-simple algebra k½C containing O k ½C: Let ClðO k ½CÞ (resp. ClðMÞ) be the locally free classgroup of O k ½C (resp. M). We denote by RðD À1 , O k ½CÞ (resp. RðD À1 , MÞ) the set of classes c in ClðO k ½CÞ (resp. ClðMÞ) such that there exists a tamely ramified extension N/k, with Galois group isomorphic to C (C-extension) and the class of D À1 N=k (resp. M O k ½C D À1 N=k) is equal to c, where D N=k is the different of N/k and D À1 N=k its inverse different. We say that RðD À1 , O k ½CÞ (resp. RðD À1 , MÞ) is the set of realizable Galois module classes by the inverse different. In the present article, combining some of our published results, and a result due to A. Fr€ ohlich giving a link between the Galois module class of the ring of integers of a tamely ramified C-extension and that of its inverse different, we explicitly determine RðD À1 , O k ½CÞ (resp. RðD À1 , MÞ) for several groups C and show that it is a subgroup of ClðO k ½CÞ (resp. ClðMÞ). In addition, we determine the set of the Steinitz classes of D À1 N=k , N/k runs through the set of tamely ramified C-extension of k, and prove that is a subgroup of Cl(k), also for several groups C: ARTICLE HISTORY