Reversible logic transforms logic signal in a way that allows the original input signals to be recovered from the produced outputs, has attracted great attention because of its application in many areas. Traditional silicon computers consume much more power compared to computing systems based on Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA). In addition, DNA-based logic gates are stable and reusable. In this paper, we propose a new approach for designing DNA-based reversible adder/subtractor circuit; it's possible to perform addition and subtraction operations using single circuit representation. We first merge the properties of addition and subtraction operations. Then, we demonstrate reversible DNAbased addition and subtraction operations. Our proposed DNAbased reversible addition/subtraction circuit is faster than the conventional one due to parallelism and replication properties of DNA strands. It also requires less space because of compactness of DNA strands. In addition, the DNA-based adder/subtractor circuit needs low power as the formation of DNAs consumes a small amount of energy. Finally, the comparative results show that the proposed DNA-based system requires m+3.2 n DNA signals, but in existing system, it requires m.2 n , where m is the size of extra tags and n is the total number of bits. Besides, the run time complexity of proposed system has O(1) while the existing system has O(mln 2 n).