We construct a multiscalar and nonrenormalizable B − L model with A 4 × Z 3 × Z 4 flavor symmetry which successfully explains the recent 3 + 1 active-sterile neutrino data. The tiny neutrino mass the mass hierarchy are obtained by the type-I seesaw mechanism. The hierarchy of the lepton masses is satisfied by a factor of v H v l Λ 2 ∼ 10 −4 GeV of the electron mass compared to the muon and tau masses of the order of v H v l Λ ∼ 10 −1 GeV. The recent 3 + 1 active-sterile neutrino mixings are predicted to be 0.015 ≤ |U e4 | 2 ≤ 0.045, 0.004 ≤ |U µ4 | 2 ≤ 0.012, 0.004 ≤ |U τ 4 | 2 ≤ 0.014 for normal hierarchy and 0.020 ≤ |U e4 | 2 ≤ 0.045, 0.008 ≤ |U µ4 | 2 ≤ 0.018, 0.008 ≤ |U τ 4 | 2 ≤ 0.022 for inverted hierarchy. Sterile neutrino masses are predicted to be 0.7 m s (eV) 3.16 for normal hierarchy and 2.6 m s (eV) 7.1 for inverted hierarchy. For three neutrino scheme the model predicts 0.3401 ≤ sin 2 θ 12 ≤ 0.3415, 0.460 ≤ sin 2 θ 23 ≤ 0.540, −0.60 ≤ sin δ CP ≤ −0.20 for normal hierarchy and 0.3402 ≤ sin 2 θ 12 ≤ 0.3416, 0.434 ≤ sin 2 θ 23 ≤ 0.610, −0.95 ≤ sin δ CP ≤ −0.60 for inverted hierarchy. The effective neutrino masses are predicted to be 35.70 ≤ m ee [meV] ≤ 36.50 in 3+1 scheme and 3.65 ≤ m (3) ee [meV] ≤ 4.10 in three neutrino scheme for NH while 160.0 ≤ m ee [meV] ≤ 168.0 in 3+1 scheme and 47.80 ≤ m (3) ee [meV] ≤ 48.70 in three neutrino scheme for for IH which are all in agreement with the recent experimental data.