Let R be F p or a field of characteristic 0. For each R-good topological space Y, we define a collection of higher cohomology operations which, together with the cohomology algebra H * (Y; R), suffice to determine Y up to R-completion. We also provide a similar collection of higher cohomology operations which determine when two maps f 0 , f 1 :with W 0 , W 1 , and W 2 R-GEMs, and each adjacent composition nullhomotopic (see [A, Ha]). This defines a secondary cohomology operation in the sense of [A], since f represents a set of cohomology classes in H * (Y; R), on which the set of primary R-cohomology operations represented by g vanish. The fact that h • g ∼ * indicates a relation among primary operations.Our general strategy for rectification of any F : I → ho Top is to inductively rectify, and then make fibrant, longer and longer final segments of the given diagram. In our example, we first make W 2 fibrant and change h into a fibration (so the subdiagram W 1 h − → W 2 is fibrant). We then change g up to homotopy so that h • g = * , using [BJT1, Lemma 5.11]. Factoring g as֒→ W 1 , and then changing k ′ into a fibration k makes W 0 g − → W 1 h − → W 2 fibrant. To simplify notation we denote i • k simply by g : W 0 → W 1 .