A 902-to 928-MHz industrial, scientific, and medical band transceiver using a wake-up link for wireless body area networks wearable and implantable medical devices is presented. The design reaches exceptionally low-power dissipation and provides an adapted data-rate by gathering the advantages of frequency-shift-keying (FSK) and amplitude-shift-keying (ASK) modulation techniques. Transmitter (Tx) includes a new efficient FSK modulation scheme to generate up to 20 Mb/s of data-rate and consumes around 0.084 nJ/b. The integrated receiver (Rx) is based on a new FSK-to-ASK conversion technique using on-off keying fully passive wake-up circuit (WuRx) with energy harvesting from radio frequency link. The adopted scheme leads to the scalability of energy consumption versus data-rate at constant transceiver sensitivity, insuring high-performances requirements. The transceiver is implemented in IBM 0.13-m CMOS process. The WuRx achieves a sensitivity of −53 dBm while the main receiver shows −78-dBm sensitivity. Thanks to the simplified hardware, the receiver consumes only 640 W while the transmitter uses 1.4 mW from 1.2-V supply voltage.
KEYWORDSFSK-to-ASK conversion, injection-locking oscillator, ISM band, RF FSK transceiver, scalable data-rate, wake-up link 2266