We prove that the group of almost-automorphisms of the infinite rooted regular d-ary tree T d arises naturally as the Thompson-like group of a so called d-ary cloning system. A similar phenomenon occurs for any Nekrashevych group V d (G), for G ≤ Aut(T d ) a self-similar group. We use this framework to expand on work of Belk and Matucci, who proved that the Röver group, using the Grigorchuk group for G, is of type F ∞ . Namely, we find some natural conditions on subgroups of G to ensure that V d (G) is of type F ∞ , and in particular we prove this for all G in the infinite family of Sunić groups. We also prove that if G is itself of type F ∞ then so is V d (G), and that every finitely generated virtually free group is self-similar, so in particular every finitely generated virtually free group G yields a type F ∞ Nekrashevych group V d (G).