HIV self-testing, not yet available in Spain, is a strategy thought to be able to increase the number of people tested and testing frequency. 3,373 attenders of a street-based HIV rapid-testing program gave their opinion on authorizing over-the-counter self-tests and a potentially shorter lead time if self-tests were available. 88.0 % of participants were in favor of authorization, 9.2 % had no clear opinion and 2.8 % were against. 54.6 % of men who have sex with men (MSM), 38.4 % of men who have sex with women and 36.3 % of women acknowledged a potential for lead time reduction. Potential lead time was associated with being ≥35 years, having a university degree, never injected drugs, previous HIV tests and being concerned about an HIV positive result, and in MSM, also having ≥5 partners. Self-testing seems a promising strategy for Spain: its authorization is supported by nearly all potential users and almost three quarters of MSM would have opted to advance their current testing if self-tests were available.