RESUMO:Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o desempenho de dois reatores anaeróbios de fluxo ascendente com manta de lodo (UASB), em série, seguidos de um reator operado em batelada sequencial (RBS) com etapa aeróbia, no tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura. O sistema de tratamento anaeróbio em dois estágios foi alimentado com águas residuárias de suinocultura com concentrações médias de sólidos suspensos totais (SST), de 4.427 a 16.425 mg L -1 . As cargas orgânicas volumétricas (COV) aplicadas no reator UASB do primeiro estágio variaram de 14,8 a 24,4 g DQO (L d) -1 . Os tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH) foram de 28 e 11 h e de 14 e 6 h no primeiro e segundo reatores UASB, respectivamente. O RBS foi operado com 1 e 2 ciclos diários de alimentação e com concentrações de SST do afluente, de 1.348 a 2.036 mg L -1 . As maiores eficiências de remoção de DQO total ocorreram com os maiores TDH, com valores médios de 78 a 88% nos reatores UASB, em dois estágios. Com o tratamento do efluente dos reatores UASB no RBS, as eficiências médias de remoção aumentaram para 93 a 97%, 92 a 98%, 57 a 78%, 71 a 88% e 68 a 85% para a DQO total, SST, P-total, nitrogênio total Kjeldahl (NTK) e nitrogênio total (NT), respectivamente. Para os coliformes termotolerantes, as remoções foram de 93,80 a 99,99%.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: remoção de nutrientes, tratamento anaeróbio-aeróbio, pós-tratamento, nitrificação.
SWINE WASTEWATER TREATMENT IN UPFLOW ANAEROBIC SLUDGE BLANKET REACTOR (UASB) IN TWO-STAGES FOLLOWED BY SEQUENCING BATCH REACTOR (SBR)ABSTRACT: This work aimed to evaluate the performance of two aerobic-anaerobic combination system of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket digestion reactor (UASB) in line followed by an aerobic sequencing bath reactor (SBR), used in swine wastewater treatment. The UASB system was fed with swine wastewater containing from 4427 to 16425 mg L -1 of total suspended solids (TSS). The treatment system was evaluated using organic loading (OLR) of 14,8 to 24,4 g total COD (L d) -1 in the first UASB reactor. The hydraulic detention times (HDT) were of 28 and 11 h, and 14 and 6 h, in the first and second UASB reactor, respectively. The SBR was operated with one and two cycles daily and the affluent had TSS concentrations of 1348 to 2036 mg L -1 . The higher total chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies were of 78 to 81% in UASB reactors in two-stage and occurred with higher HDT. With the aerobic SBR used as post-treatment of the effluent from UASB reactors allowed removal efficiency averages of 93 to 97%, 92 to 98%, 57 to 78%, 71 to 88% and from 68 to 85% of total COD, TSS, total P, total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and total nitrogen (TN), respectively. The thermotolerants coliforms the removals were of 93.80 to 99.99%.