Abstract. We outline the work done to extend and
improve the ISC-GEM Global Instrumental Earthquake Catalogue, a dataset which
was first released in 2013 (Storchak et al., 2013, 2015). In its first
version (V1) the catalogue included global earthquakes selected according to
time-dependent cut-off magnitudes: 7.5 and above between 1900 and 1918 (plus
significant continental earthquakes 6.5 and above); 6.25 between 1918 and
1959; 5.5 between 1960 and 2009. Such selection criteria were dictated by
time and resource limitations. With the Extension Project we added both
pre-1960 events below the original cut-off magnitudes (if enough station data
were available to perform relocation and magnitude recomputation) and added
events with magnitude 5.5 and above from 2010 to 2014. The project ran over a
4-year period during which a new version of the ISC-GEM Catalogue was released each
year via the ISC website
(http://http://www.isc.ac.uk/iscgem/, last access: 10 October 2018). For each year, not only have we added new events to the
catalogue for a given time range but also revised events already in V1 if
additional data became available or location and/or magnitude reassessments
were required. Here we recall the general background behind the production of
the ISC-GEM Catalogue and describe the features of the different periods
in which the catalogue has been extended. Compared to the 2013 release, we
eliminated earthquakes during the first 4 years (1900–1903) of the catalogue
(due to lack of reliable station data), added approximately 12 000 and 2500
earthquakes before 1960 and between 2010 and 2014, respectively, and improved
the solution for approximately 2000 earthquakes already listed in previous
versions. We expect the ISC-GEM Catalogue to continue to be one of the most
useful datasets for studies of the Earth's global seismicity and an important
benchmark for seismic hazard analyses, and, ultimately, an asset for the
seismological community as well as other geoscience fields, education and
outreach activities. The ISC-GEM Catalogue is freely available at