recent years, the growing demand for increasingly
advanced wearable
electronic gadgets has been commonly observed. Modern society is constantly
expecting a noticeable development in terms of smart functions, long-term
stability, and long-time outdoor operation of portable devices. Excellent
flexibility, lightweight nature, and environmental friendliness are
no less important aspects of the choice of mobile electronics. Naturally,
electronic devices need efficient portable power sources (batteries
and supercapacitors) that meet the above-mentioned requirements. However,
most of these power sources use plastic substrates for their manufacture.
Hence, this review is focused on research attempts to shift energy
storage materials toward sustainable and flexible components. We would
like to introduce recent scientific achievements in the application
of noncellulosic polysaccharides for flexible electrochemical energy
storage devices as constituents in composite materials for both batteries
and supercapacitors. In this review, we will summarize the introduction
of biopolymers for portable power sources as components to provide
sustainable as well as flexible substrates, a scaffold of current
collectors, electrode binders, gel electrolyte matrices, separators,
or binding scaffolds for whole devices.