Objective: To evaluate the success rate of the National newborn screening program in maintenance of intelligent quotient (IQ) of children with congenital hypothyroidism in Iran.Design: Retrospective cohort study.
Methods:The IQ scores, in three subsets of verbal, non verbal (Performance) and full scale IQ, of 240 children diagnosed with Transient congenital hypothyroidism (TCH) and Permanent congenital hypothyroidism (PCH), from 5 provinces in 5 different geographical areas of Iran, were measured at the age of 6 years using revised Wechsler pre school and primary scale of intelligence and compared with 240 healthy children. We used independent sample t test and two-way ANOVA for data analysis.Results: Mean of verbal, performance, and full scale IQ scores were lower in the CH cases (permanent and transient) than the control group. Most of the IQ differences in two studied groups related to the PCH cases (P=0.005). Mean difference of IQs between children in the two groups in Yazd province (center of Iran) was higher than other provinces, and they also had significantly lower IQ than their control (healthy) children (P=0.001). No treated child had IQ<70.
Conclusion:Although mean IQs of CH children was lower than their controls, IQ of all treated CH cases were close to the healthy children.Keywords: Management, Neonatal screening, Outcome.
R R R R R E E E E E S S S S S E E E E E A A A A A R R R R R C C C C C H P H P H P H P H P AA A A A P P P P P E E E E E R R R R R C ongenital hypothyroidism (CH) is considered as one of the most important preventable causes of mental retardation in children [1]. The incidence of CH is different among neonates of various countries of the world and ranges from 1:2000 to 1:4000 [2-6], the incidence of CH in different areas of Iran is reported to vary from 1:400 to 1:1000 [7,8].In Iran, a National program of neonate screening was established from 2004-2005 [9]. In this program, thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH) is measured as a primary test, and positive tests are confirmed by serum thyroxine (T4). By the end of 2015, over 9 million neonates were screened and over 10 thousand children were diagnosed with CH and treated with levothyroxine (L-Thyroxine).The evaluation of this mass screening program, particularly from the view of maintaining the IQ of children with CH at the national level has been done [10,11], but there have been no systematic long-term follow-up studies for evaluation of intervention/treatment outcomes among hypothyroid children diagnosed by the nationwide newborn screening program in Iran. This study was done to assess the IQ of hypothyroid children diagnosed by national program of CH screening at age of 6 years, compared with healthy children in Iran.
METHODSThis was a retrospective cohort study conducted in five provinces in different geographical areas of Iran. A total of 480 children in two study groups, including 240 children with CH and 240 healthy children were investigated in this comparative study. We first specified our samples based on mean difference sampl...