This paper examines a set of lexicographic projects with innovative routes of access to lexical knowledge, and which constitute a first step towards a more intelligent dictionary, These projects include: (1) collocation dictionaries that specify the relations between a base word and its collocate; (2) dictionaries that make explicit the semantic and lexical restrictions between a predicate and its arguments; (3) lexical resources that describe the linguistic properties of a lexical entry within the context of its frame or frames of activation; (4) dictionaries that provide a conceptual organization of the definiens, instead of the definiendum. Without a doubt, the Digital Era (artificial intelligence, data and text mining, and machine learning) has opened up a vast range of possibilities, which will lead to intelligent lexicographic resources that are more intelligent and interconnected. This chapter concludes with some ideas and proposals about the characteristics of a dictionary 5.0 of the future.