It is my pleasure to thank all people whose thoughts, ideas, suggestions, reassurance, and support shaped this piece of research. First, I would like to thank ALMIGHTY ALLAH (MY GOD) for continuously blessing me with persistence, health, and faith to complete my Ph. D. Degree. All gratitude must be extended to my supervisor Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Roland Ulber for giving me the opportunity to perform my thesis work independently at the Institute of Bioprocess Engineering, TU Kaiserslautern. It was always possible to ask questions and to get encouragement and precious advice to go on with my work. Especially in hard times his support was of great value. Special thanks and appreciation must be for Prof. Dr. Kai Muffler, who was my previous group leader. Useful discussions and information exchange were very helpful even after he left our institute. I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to Prof. Dr. Nicole Frankenberg-Dinkel and co-workers for cooperation in molecular biology work. In addition, I would like to extend my appreciation to Prof. Dr. Steffen Rupp, Dr. Thomas Hahn Mrs. Doris Finkelmeier, and Dr. Anke Burger-Kentischer from Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology (IGB) for performing anti-viral, anti-fungal, antibacterial and cytotoxic studies. Prof. Dr. Roland Krämer from Heidelberg University is also grateful for his donation of perylene diimide derivative compound who synthesized it personally in his lab. I would also like to acknowledge the cooperation and creativity of Dr. med. Michael Püttmann and Mrs. Gabi Bruckmann for their help in anticoagulant measurements, Dr. Broder Rühmann and Dr. Jochen Schmid for compositional analysis and Prof. Dr. Lothar Elling for performing the MP-CE analysis. Thanks are due to my colleagues at the institute for interesting discussions making them more than colleagues but friends. They have challenged me to "grow into" an interesting and challenging research culture. The Project was funded by the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and DAAD (Funding program number 57076387), so both are greatfully acknowledgment and the fruitful co.operation between Egypt and Germany. Finally, I extend my deepest gratitude to all the members of my family for their continuing prayers, encouragement, understanding, and support. They have guided and encouraged me with great energy and endless faith in my abilities. They never doubted I would really finish my dissertation one day. My children, Mariam and Mooaz, suffered my anxieties, bad moods and absences (both physical and mental). I am truly grateful for my wife Aya Abdella for her constant assistance, encouragement, and understanding and highly appreciated backup.