Suboptimal availability of water limits plant growth, development, and performance.Drought is one of the leading factors responsible for worldwide crop yield reduction. In the future, owing to climate changes, more agricultural land will be affected by prolonged periods of water deficit. Thus, understanding the fundamental mechanism of drought response is a major scientific concern for improvement of crop production. To combat drought stress, plants deploy varied mechanistic strategies and alter their morphological, physiochemical, and molecular attributes. This helps plant to enhance water uptake and storage, reduce water loss and avoid wilting. Induction of several transcription factors and drought responsive genes leads to synthesis of stress proteins, regulation of water channels i.e. aquaporins and production of osmolytes that are essential for maintenance of osmotic balance at the cellular level. Self-and hormone-regulated signaling pathways are often stimulated by plants after receiving drought stress signals via secondary messengers, mitogen-activated protein kinases, and stress hormones. These signaling cascades often leads to stomatal closure and reduction in transpiration rates. Reduced carbon dioxide diffusion in chloroplast, lowered efficacy of photosystems, and other metabolic constraints limits the key regulatory photosynthetic process during water deficit. The impact of these stomatal and nonstomatal limitations varies with stress intensity, superimposed stresses and plant species. A clear understanding of the drought resistance process is thus important before adopting strategies for imparting drought tolerance in plants. These management practices at present include exogenous hormone application, breeding, and genetic engineering techniques for combating the water deficit issues.