Natural nano-minerals (NNMs) are minerals that are derived from nature with a size of less than 100 nm in at least one dimension in size. NNMs have a number of excellent properties due to their unique nanostructure and have been applied in various fields in recent years. They are rising stars in various disciplines, such as materials, biomedicine, and chemistry, taking advantage of their huge surface area, multiple active sites, excellent adsorption capacity, large quantity, low cost, and nontoxicity, etc. To provide a more comprehensive overview of NNMs and the biomedical applications of NNMs-based nanocomposites, this review classifies NNMs into three types by dimension, lists the structure and properties of typical NNMs, and illustrates their biomedical applications. Furthermore, a novel concept of natural nanomineral medical materials (NNMMs) is proposed, focusing on the medical value of NNMs. In addition, this review attempts to address the current challenges and delineate future directions for the advancement of NNMs. With the deepening of biomedical applications, it is believed that NNMMMs will inevitably play an important role in the field of human health and contribute to its promotion.