Purpose:The importance of gamma probe detection (GPD) combined with vital dye for sentinel node (SN) biopsy is well accepted. We evaluated the efficacy of patent blue dye (PBD) in identifying inguinal SN. Methods: Ninety-four cutaneous melanoma patients with inferior extremity lesions were submitted to SNB according to a established protocol. Patients were randomized in two groups: Blue group, where SN was identified by PPD and Probe group, where SN was identified by GPD. The median age was 44.2 years and median Breslow thickness was 2.1 mm. Preoperative lymphoscintigraphy, lymphatic mapping with PBD and intra-operative GPD was performed on all patients. Histological examination of SN consisted of hematoxylin-eosin and immunohistochemical staining. If micrometastases were present complete lymphadenectomy was performed. The SN was considered as identified by PBD if it was blue and identified by GPD if it demonstrated at least ten times greater radioactivity than background. Results: It was explored 94 inguinal lymphatic basins, 145 SN were excised (70 guided primarily by blue dye and 75 guided primarily by probe). All SN identified by preoperative lymphoscintigraphy were excised. In the Blue group PPD identified all SN and all of them were hot. In the Probe group all SN were identified by probe and were blue. The coincidence of PPD and GPD was 100%. Conclusion: Patent blue dye is enough to identify superficial inguinal SN in cutaneous melanoma. Key words: Dyes. Lymphatic Vessels. Probe. Lymph Nodes. Melanoma.
RESUMOObjetivo: a importância da detecção gama intra-operatória combinada com corante vital para biópsia de linfonodo sentinela é bem aceita. Nós avaliamos a eficácia do azul patente V na identificação do linfonodo sentinela inguinal. Métodos: Noventa e quatro pacientes portadores de melanoma cutâneo de membro inferior foram submetidos a biópsia de linfonodo sentinela de acordo com protocolo estabelecido. Foram randomizados em dois grupos: Grupo Azul, onde o linfonodo sentinela foi identificado primariamente com o corante vital azul patente V (Guerbet) e o Grupo Sonda, onde o linfonodo sentinela foi identificado primariamente pela sonda de detecção gama (Neoprobe). A idade mediana foi de 44,2 anos e a espessura mediana de Breslow foi 2,1 mm. Linfocintilografia pré-operatória, mapeamento linfático com azul patente V e detecção gama intra-opertaória foram realizados em todos os pacientes. O exame histopatológico do linfonodo sentinela consistiu de hematoxilina-eosina e imunohistoquímica. Se micrometástase estivesse presente, linfadenectomia completa era realizada. O linfonodo sentinela era considerado como identificado pelo corante vital se estivesse azul e identificado pela sonda de detecção gama se demonstrasse pelo menos 10 vezes ou mais radioatividade do que o fundo. Vital dye is enough for inguinal sentinel lymph node biopsy in melanoma patients linfonodos sentinelas foram primariamente identificados pela sonda e estavam corados pelo azul. A coincidência da sonda com o corante vital foi de 100%. ...