This book is divided into three parts: Part I covers chapters 1 to 5 which set the context and contains the introduction, international legal framework, juridical classification of fish stocks, international governance of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks, topics on overfishing and overcapacity, and the status of some major fish stocks; Part II contains chapters 6 to 9 or the thematic chapters about precautionary approach, ecosystem approach to fisheries, decision making in regional fisheries management arrangement (RFMOs), and monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) and enforcement; and Part III is made up of matrices and maps which are the basis for a concise, detailed comparison of the scope, functions and activities of different RFMOs. The summary found at the front portion of the book serves as the supplement to Part III or as an overview of the book. The book is intended for aquaculturists, fishery managers, conservationists and biologists.