only a fraction of a milligram may be accurately analyzed by this technique.By observing carbonization in the ampoule during combustion, and the background in the mass spectrometer in the mass range 27 to 52, it was found that 1 hour at 800" C. was a satisfactory time for the combustion procedure. A large peak at m / e 27 for some nitrogen compounds, as well as above average peaks in the mass range 47 to 52, was present when much shorter combustion times or lower temperatures were used.The method of elemental anall-sis described was undertaken to fill the need for a rapid, convenient, and precise means for quantitative determination of elemental carbon, especially where the available sample is very small, as in paper chromatography. The method enables one to determine elemental carbon in organic compounds with a precision comparable to that achieved in the standard micro-Pregl determination but with sample sizes of well under 1 mg. It is rapid, convenient, and easily adaptable to routine operation.quantitative determination of the carbon content of