The decay energy of the superallowed decay 74 Rb 74 Kr was determined by direct Penning trap mass measurements on both the mother and the daughter nuclide using the time-of-flight resonance technique and was found to be Q 10 416:8 4:5 keV. The exotic nuclide 74 Rb, with a half-life of only 65 ms, is the shortest-lived nuclide on which a high-precision mass measurement in a Penning trap has been carried out. Together with existing data for the partial half-life as well as theoretical corrections, the decay energy yields a comparative half-life of Ft 3084 15 s for this decay, in agreement with the mean value for the series of the lighter nuclides from 10 C to 54 Co. Assuming conserved vector current, this result allows for an experimental determination of the isospin-symmetry-breaking correction C . According to the conserved-vector-current (CVC) hypothesis, a postulate now incorporated into the standard model, the vector-current part of the weak interaction is not influenced by the strong interaction. The comparative half-life ft of a superallowed transition between analog states should therefore be only a function of the matrix element hM V i that connects the two states and the vector coupling constantwhere f is the statistical rate function, t is the partial halflife, and K is a product of fundamental constants. The nuclear matrix element, which depends on the isospins T i and T f of the initial and final states, is hM V i 2 2 for T 1 analog states. As the decay occurs within the nuclear volume, theoretical corrections must be applied to f and hM V i 2 [2], such that the corrected ft value, denoted by the symbol Ft, is expected to be truly constant, i.e., independent of the nuclear charge Z of the decay pair. This leads to the following overall expression for the Ft value:where R is the nucleus-dependent radiative correction, C is the isospin-symmetry-breaking correction, and V R is the nucleus-independent radiative correction. Experimentally, Ft is accessible via the following measured quantities: the decay energy Q, which enters to the fifth power into the calculation of the statistical rate function f [4], the half-life T 1=2 , and the branching ratio R. The latter two yield the partial half-life t T 1=2 1 P EC =R, where P EC is the calculated electron capture fraction.The most precise value for V ud , the up-down quark mixing element of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix, can be extracted from the mean Ft value of nuclear decay, in conjunction with the Fermi coupling constant from muon decay G [5]:Together with particle-physics data from K and B meson decay [6], this can be used to test CKM unitarity. In this Letter we report on high-precision mass measurements on short-lived nuclides which reduce the uncertainty of the decay energy of the superallowed decay 74 Rb 74 Kr by almost 2 orders of magnitude. These data extend the nuclear-physics contribution to tests of the CVC hypothesis and the unitarity of the CKM matrix to a new nuclear-shell region. They permit an experimental determination of C a...