In this century, consumption of fossil fuels for energy demand is at peak with more than 80 % consumption for today's world energy related demands. Moreover, they are promoter of global warming and have deteriorating effect on our environment. As they are non-replenishable, their reservoirs will be dried up shortly at this consumption rate. So, there is a dire need of an alternate source of energy, which is renewable, cheaper and clean. There are many potential candiadates such as wind energy, solar power and hydro energy, but solar energy is the one of the most desired one as it is available free of cost, never exhausting and carries energy ~100 times the earth's energy demand. Photovoltaics is one of the technology to harness this abundant source of energy. Perovskites (ABO3) is one of the class of compounds which utilise this energy by acting as light absorber in perovskite solar cells for ergy generation. Here, we reviewed, the recent progress of perovskite based solar cells with description of basic principles and emphasis on design and strategies to ehnance their efficiency. The motive of this review is provide current summary of recent progress and to some important gudelines for future development in this field.