Abstract. A single column model (SGRIST1.0) is developed as a tool for coupling a full-physics package (from Community Atmosphere Model, version 5 (CAM5)) to the Global-to-Regional Integrated forecast System (GRIST). In a two-step approach, the full-physics package is first isolated and coupled to SGRIST1.0 for reducing the uncertainties associated with model physics and assessing its behavior, then assimilated by the model dynamical framework. In the first step, SGRIST1.0 serves as a tool for evaluating the physical parameterization suite in the absence of 3D dynamics. Three single column model test cases, including the tropical deep convection, shallow convection, and stratocumulus, demonstrate that the parameterization suite mimics the behaviors in the observations and the reference model (SCAM) outputs. Cloud fraction, cloud liquid, and some other micro- and macro-physical variables are sensitive to the model time step, suggesting time-step dependency of the corresponding parameterization schemes. The second step couples the physics package to the 3D dynamical modeling system, and the verified parameterization suite works well in GRIST. Two physics-dynamics coupling strategies are examined and found to have a clear impact on the intensity of the simulated storm. The incremental operator splitting strategy (ptend_f1_f1), produces a weaker storm than the pure operator splitting strategy (ptend_f2_sudden). Comparing these two splitting approaches, the ptend_f2_sudden coupling strategy has higher large-step stability than the ptend_f1_f1 option, but the intensity of the simulated storm is substantially reduced by ptend_f2_sudden provided that the time step becomes quite large. Some detailed model configuration strategies are suggested when using the CAM5 parameterization suite in GRIST.