In experiments at the luminosity frontier, New Physics is being searched for in precision studies of rare processes. The most important example of such an effort is experiments at B factories and super B factories. While B factories have fully established the CKM quark transition matrix as the only source of CP violation in the Standard Model, the next generation of B factories, the so-called super B factories, will look for departures from the Standard Model. To collect a 50 times larger data sample, needed to reach the required sensitivity, a substantial B factory upgrade is being carried out. The SuperKEKB accelerator complex is designed for an increase in luminosity by a factor of 40. The upgraded Belle II spectrometer is being constructed to operate at considerably higher event rates, as well as higher backgrounds, accompanied by an increase in occupancy and radiation damage. Higher event rates also require substantial modifications in the trigger scheme, data acquisition system and computing. The paper discusses the detectors at B factories, the motivation for SuperKEKB/Belle II, the super B factory at KEK, as well as the requirements for the new accelerator and for the new detector. The present status of the project will be presented together with plans for the future. We will also discuss its competition, the LHCb experiment at the LHC.