We study K − /K + ratios as a function of centrality (participant nucleon number), transverse mass (mt), and rapidity, in heavy-ion collisions at beam energies between 1A and 2A GeV. We use the relativistic transport model that includes expicitly the strangeness degrees of freedom and consider two scenarios for kaon properties in dense matter, one with and one without medium modifications of their properties. In both scenarios, The K − /K + ratio does not change very much with the centrality, while the K/π and K/π ratios increase with increasing centrality. Significant differences are predicted, both in magnitudes and shapes, for the mt spectra and rapidity distributions of K − /K + ratio. Experimental measurement of these ratios, currently under investigation by the FOPI, KaoS, E866, and E895 collaborations, will be useful in revealing the kaon in-medium properties.