We perform a precise extraction of the QCD coupling at the τ-mass scale, α s (m τ ), from a new vector isovector spectral function which combines ALEPH and OPAL distributions for the dominant channels, τ → ππ 0 ν τ , τ → 3ππ 0 ν τ and τ → π3π 0 ν τ , with estimates of subleading contributions obtained from electroproduction cross-sections using CVC, as well as BaBar results for τ → K − K 0 ν τ . The fully inclusive spectral function thus obtained is entirely based on experimental data, without Monte Carlo input. From this new data set, we obtain α s (m τ ) = 0.3077 ± 0.0075, which corresponds to α s (m Z ) = 0.1171 ± 0.0010. This analysis can be improved on the experimental side with new measurements of the dominant ππ 0 , π3π 0 , and 3ππ 0 τ decay modes.